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Fifth Generation President's Blog - Yamani Vinegar


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You are ready!Yamani Vinegar in Mie

Get ready today!

I will participate in the Kansai Fair at Isetan KLCC from tomorrow.
Almost ready!

We are looking forward to your visit (^ ^)

Yamani Vinegar online shop!

We make Drinking Vinegar!Outsourcing of 6th processing of agricultural products

Lost Baggage for the first time in my life!

Move today.
Due to the congestion over China, the departure was delayed by 1 hour, and I was impatient that the transfer to Hanoi was only 30 minutes, but in the end, the flight from Hanoi was also delayed and the transfer was fine.

However, the first Lost Baggage in my life in Kuala Lumpur!
I was a little impatient, but it was good because I found out where it was and it arrived in 20 minutes.I had stuff for work.

Arrived at the hotel like this!

Kansai Fair at Isetan KLCC from the day after tomorrow!
We are ready for tomorrow!

Yamani Vinegar online shop!

We make Drinking Vinegar!Outsourcing of 6th processing of agricultural products

What is vinegar made from?Mie's vinegar making. Yamani Vinegar

I have a frequently asked question.


"What is vinegar made from?"


Vinegar is one of the basic seasonings.

Compared to sugar, salt, soy sauce, and miso, few people seem to know what it is made from. . .

Sugar is sugar cane.

Salt is seawater.

Soy sauce and miso are made from soybeans and wheat.

Then, "What about vinegar?"


Just because it says "rice vinegar" doesn't mean it's from "rice"!

Is the correct answer!In a way.

Partly because vinegar made from rice is one of many varieties.

"Apple" because there is "apple vinegar"?

This is also correct!In a way.

This is one of many vinegars.

There is such a thing as “grape vinegar”!So "grape"?

This is also correct!But that's only part of the answer.


So what do they have in common?

Common to "rice", "apple" and "grape". . . . .


Actually, it means "to become alcohol".

Anything that can be made into sake can be used as a raw material for vinegar.

I'm surprised! !


You can understand this if you know how vinegar is made.

Using rice vinegar as an example,

Rice is steamed and rice koji and water are added to saccharify the starch in the rice.

Yeast is added to it and fermented (alcoholic fermentation) to make sake.

When acetic acid fermentation is performed by adding seed vinegar (vinegar for preparation) and acetic acid bacteria to the sake

The alcohol component of sake changes to the acetic acid of vinegar.

The alcohol component of sake turns into acetic acid in vinegar!


So the important thing is "alcohol"

What is vinegar made from?

when asked


I try to answer.


Fruits, vegetables, and plants that can be made into alcohol?there are many in the world!

That means you can make as many types of vinegar as you want.

There must be vinegar that no one has made yet!


My heart is pounding and I can't stop being excited! ! (smile)




about the weekend. . .Drinking Vinegar Yamani Vinegar in Mie

Good morning.
Now that I'm back in Japan, I'm going to work at 5:XNUMX in the morning.

I arrived at Centrair at 7:XNUMX in the morning on Saturday.
I returned to Tsu by high-speed boat.
Part-san is coming to work
We operate a pouch filling machine.
It's in supermarket sushi
Filled with soy sauce.

I'm sleepy because it was a night flight,
I sat down at my desk just to make an estimate
To a company requested at a JETRO business meeting
I have emailed you a quote.
Sorry for the English email,
Hope to hear back from you!




"Neo" is a miniature schnauzer.
I am a grandfather of 13 years old.
Do you know the origin of the name "Neo"?


The correct answer is the movie I saw in Sapporo, my honeymoon destination at the time.
I got it from The Matrix.
It's my duty to go for a walk in "Neo" on weekends.
It's "Neo" who's worried about his loose stomach lately.





A local supermarket is holding a local pudding fair, so my father bought many kinds of pudding.This is the "extreme pudding" that I received.It seems that it is a local pudding of Shizuoka.
The caramel attached to the pudding was a little worrisome.The same caramel was attached to both Shizuoka pudding and Nagasaki pudding.Caramel seems to use commercially available.Anyway, I want you to make an original caramel and stick to it!The taste was very mellow and delicious!Thank you for the meal~

Drinking Vinegar in Mie Yamani Vinegar

I will be staying in Kuala Lumpur for 4 days before heading back home.I'll be opening a store at the Kansai Fair at Isetan KLCC from the 16th next week, so I'll be back soon, but I'm going back to my country because I want to do as much work as I can at the company.

I will kill time at Starbucks until the flight time.Starbucks in Kuala Lumpur puts your name on the cup, but it's always wrong.Sukuni or something like that was written today (laughs)

If you finish check-in early and go to immigration, there will be a long line.Tourists who don't have much time are irritated because the staff don't care and take it easy.I had time to spare, so it was fine, but what about an airport that takes more than an hour to leave the country?I tought.It doesn't usually happen like this.

For some reason, there were several pairs of mothers and babies from Ho Chi Minh City in transit, and a young mother and baby were sitting next to me.Everyone has heavy luggage.However, each parent and child do not seem to know each other, are they all sitting separately? ?Moreover, they are all fluent in Japanese.It seemed strange to me, but I decided not to.It doesn't look like there's anything wrong with it. . .

Arrived at Centrair at 7:XNUMX in the morning!
Thank you for your hard work ~
Yamani Vinegar Co., Ltd.
2476, Tsuoki, Akogimachi, Tsu-shi, Mie
FAX: 059-225-2302

●Manufacturing and sales of vinegar


Yamani Vinegar (Yamani Vinegar Co., Ltd.)


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